"Perang Mulut" Rossi dan Lorenzo Usai GP San Marino - Kompas.com
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"Perang Mulut" Rossi dan Lorenzo Usai GP San Marino

Selasa, 13 September 2016 | 15:02 WIB
Twitter/Crash.net Aksi pebalap Yamaha Movistar, Valentino Rossi, mendahului rekan setimnya Jorge Lorenzo di GP San Marino, Minggu (11/9/2016).

San Marino, KompasOtomotif – Sebelum akhirnya Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda) mengambil alih balapan di sisa tujuh lap pada GP San Marino, Minggu (11/9/2016), Valentino Rossi (Yamaha Movistar) memimpin selama lebih dari 20 lap. Rossi melakukannya setelah manuver ketatnya melewati rekan setim Jorge Lorenzo pada lap kedua.

Ternyata sapuan Rossi dianggap terlalu agresif oleh Lorenzo. Hal itu terungkap setelah Lorenzo mendapat pertanyaan dari wartawan saat konferensi pers usai lomba. Lorenzo yang mendapat sorakan “boo” dari penonton saat penyerahan piala di podium ini mengatakan kalau dia tidak mengalah maka bisa kecelakaan.

Rossi berpendapat aksinya tidak kelewatan. Serangan serupa juga dilakukan Pedrosa namun Rossi tidak menganggapnya berlebihan.

Begini kutipan wawancaranya seperti dilansir dari Crash.net, Senin (12/9/2016):

Lorenzo: “Well if you ask this question maybe it is because the move is aggressive because if not, then you don't ask this question. You can have different opinions: my opinion was that the overtaking was maybe too aggressive; he didn't need to make this overtaking, but you know this is his style. Other riders overtake more clean,” [Rossi laughs].

Lorenzo: “It is true – you don't know?

Rossi: “No, no, no. Try to look another time at the overtake on the television.”

Lorenzo: “If I don't pull up straight the bike, we crash – I crash. Maybe you don't crash, but I crash for sure.”

Rossi: “This is not true. I don't know what I have to say – Marquez overtake ten times like this at Silverstone. What you say like this is not true.”

Lorenzo: “It is my opinion, my opinion.”

Rossi: “Also you overtake always aggressive, also to me.”

Lorenzo: “When? This is my opinion, also Race Direction will have another opinion. For me, if I don't pull up the bike straight I crash. Anyway he didn't need to do this overtaking, he was better than me today and he would pass me sooner or later, but he didn't need to be so aggressive on me. He will have another opinion.”

Rossi: “Anyway, I do not agree.”

Penulis: Febri Ardani Saragih
Editor : Agung Kurniawan